Don't drop it!
A game where you destroy a bomb before it does itself.


My third participation to the famous Ludum Dare game jam (edition #49) compo.
The theme was unstable.
I was rated 26th overall (on 735 entries in the compo), with a nice 16th position in the fun category. 🎉
The game was also featured in a GitHub post: A peek inside some of the top games from Ludum Dare 49.

Tools used:

  • Godot Engine 3.3.3
  • sfxia
  • Affinity Photo
  • FL Studio


The concept is simple: you have to drag-n-drop a bomb ready to explode to a safer location.
Instructions are included in the game, but I warn you, it is quite challenging.

If you reach the end without dying once, you may get a surprise! 🎁

Made with 💜 thanks to SvelteKit
Denis Bourge GitHub LinkedIn