Godot Toolbox - Command-line utility for Godot Engine 3.x/4.x.


While developing games with Godot, I use GDScript, since it’s the most recommended language, and it integrates really well in the game development workflow.

I was mostly using C# with Godot in the past, but performance problems on the Web target made me reconsider the language to use.

As I am also a professional Python developer (and a decent Rust developer), I want a great tooling experience around the language, which, for me, is:

  1. An opinionated automatic code formatter (like black for Python, or rustfmt for Rust)
  2. A sensible and extensible code linting tool (like flake8 for Python, or clippy for Rust)

Other features that could be great in this project are:

  1. Add the possibility to manage / download engine versions (already possible with my gdpm utility)
  2. Add scaffolding utilities to bootstrap a project using a template (or a built-in project with sensible defaults)
  3. Manage dependencies / addons (also somewhat possible with gdpm)
  4. Compatibility with the all new Godot Engine 4.x

(I think I will merge gdpm in the gdtx project, but that’s something for future me.)

One last thing, I want to do everything in Rust.


I will use this project to improve my skills on the static analysis field, but also lexing / parsing / formatting a programming language: GDScript.

Made with 💜 thanks to SvelteKit
Denis Bourge GitHub LinkedIn