hx3d Framework
My own 2D/3D game framework.


hx3d was a easy to use and easy to learn open-source 2D/3D game framework, made in modern C++ (C++14 at the time).
Inspiration was taken from the well-known libGDX Java game framework, and many tutorials about game engine programming.

It was written with modularity in mind. Windowing was done using SDL2, but it could be swapped with something else quite easily.
Rendering was done using OpenGL 3+ / OpenGLES 2.0

Cross-platform support was done thanks to SDL2 (it was also compatible with Android and iOS!).

Last commit was made in September 2016, I decided to stop the project, and focus on already existing open-source engines (notably Godot Engine), keeping the newfound experience from game engine building for my future games.


At the time, I wanted to go full speed in “handmade” game development, even knowing the famous citation “make games, not engine”, and I started my crazy challenge of making my own game engine.

I really liked modern C++ (11/14+), and with my experience in OpenGL and SDL, I decided to create a somewhat modular system with standard features, taking inspiration from the libGDX game framework.

At the end, I had a “screen” system, touchscreen support, particle systems, animations, tweens, audio management with automatic BPM detection, a custom 2D physics engine, a custom Entity-Component-System (ECS), and even more things.

Made with 💜 thanks to SvelteKit
Denis Bourge GitHub LinkedIn