hx3d was a easy to use and easy to learn open-source 2D/3D game framework, made in modern C++ (C++14 at the time).
Inspiration was taken from the well-known libGDX
It was written with modularity in mind. Windowing was done using SDL2
Rendering was done using OpenGL 3+ / OpenGLES 2.0
Cross-platform support was done thanks to SDL2 (it was also compatible with Android and iOS!).
Last commit was made in September 2016, I decided to stop the project, and focus on already existing open-source engines (notably Godot Engine
At the time, I wanted to go full speed in “handmade” game development, even knowing the famous citation “make games, not engine”, and I started my crazy challenge of making my own game engine.
I really liked modern C++ (11/14+), and with my experience in OpenGL and SDL, I decided to create a somewhat modular system with standard features, taking inspiration from the libGDX game framework.
At the end, I had a “screen” system, touchscreen support, particle systems, animations, tweens, audio management with automatic BPM detection, a custom 2D physics engine, a custom Entity-Component-System (ECS), and even more things.