Recursive Quest
A fast-paced shooter in a space pyramid.


My first “complete” Godot game, for my first game jam, the Godot Wild Jam (edition #2).
The theme was hidden within, and it was difficult coming up with an idea.

There were 29 entries, I ended at 8th position.


It is a challenging fast-paced shooter game, where you are exploring a space pyramid in quest for treasures.

The gameplay is simple: you control a spaceship (with the arrow keys / joystick) that always goes forward to the right of the screen.
To turn, you don’t turn your ship, you turn the pyramid using rotation zones.
You can shoot (with ‘W’ or ‘A’ button) to destroy rocks, and drill (with ‘X’ or ‘B’ button) to pass through fragile walls.
You have one treasure per level, and only 60 seconds. So the game can be a little challenging and stressful.
At the end of a level, you are in front of a small pyramid replica and are magically shrunk to go explore inside, in a lower scale.

There are 4 levels. Try to get the all the treasures to get the happy end!

Most graphics and sounds are super basic and they were drawn and generated during the jam, using GIMP, Inkscape and Chiptone. For the code, I have only reused my virtual input from a precedent project for the Android export, everything else was done on the fly.

Made with 💜 thanks to SvelteKit
Denis Bourge GitHub LinkedIn