Tool to unpack/repack VSCode profiles.


A simple tool to manage .code-profile files, named vs-prof-tk.

What are .code-profile files?

VS Code has a profile system, to manage multiple configurations.

When you export an existing profile to disk, you get a .code-profile file (a nested JSON file).


For now, the tool can do two things:

  • extract, to unpack a .code-profile file into a specific folder,
  • archive, to pack a profile folder into a .code-profile file.


I have multiple profiles, and I want to easily compare them and write my own profiles by hand. One day I might add a “diff” command to the tool to have a better view of the differences of each profile, but for now here’s my workflow:

  • In VS Code, export your profiles somewhere on your filesystem (as .code-profile files)
  • Use vs-prof-tk extract to unpack the profiles in a folder
    • Example: vs-prof-tk extract -i /work/Default.code-profile /work/extracted
  • Edit the files as you want
  • Recreate a .code-profile file using vs-prof-tk archive
    • Example: vs-prof-tk archive -i /work/extracted/Default /work/DefaultNew.code-profile
  • Now you can import your new profile in VS Code using the “Import profile” feature


You need a recent version of Go. If you use nix, you can use the included shell.nix file.

go build -o vs-prof-tk
Made with 💜 thanks to SvelteKit
Denis Bourge GitHub LinkedIn