
Resume / CV

Passionate Software Engineer
Looking for inspiring problems to solve with an open mind and a desire to never stop learning.
  • Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, France
  • +33601249725
Programming skills


  • Python, Rust, TypeScript/JavaScript, C/C++, Bash, SQL


  • Django, FastAPI, React, Svelte


  • Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm


  • Full Stack WebDev, Linux SysAdmin, DevOps, Software Architecture, Game Development
  • Programming
  • Gamemaking
  • Beatmaking
  • Contests
  • Speaks French, English and Spanish
  • Proud dad and husband
Professional Experiences

2016, now — SharingCloud (Boulogne-Billancourt, France)

  • 2023, now — Software Architect
    • Creation of the last iteration of the development machine, based on Bash and Kubernetes.
    • Writing of Technical Architecture Documents (TAD) and Architecture Decision Records (ADR) to help standardizing our development processes.
    • Helping the development and infrastructure teams with engineering tasks.

  • 2019 - 2023 — Lead Software Engineer
    • Leading a small team of developers, in a duo with a Product Owner.
    • Supervision and lead of a complex migration from Python 2 and Django 1 to Python 3 and Django 3 (~200 KLoC), with a CI setup.
    • Creation of a new iteration of the development machine, based on Docker, Docker Compose and Ansible.
    • Creation of a GitHub bot to help us with automated workflows.

  • 2016 - 2019 — Junior Software Engineer
    • Rewrite of a hybrid mobile app using React and Cordova.
    • In charge of native mobile development and store management (Play Store, AppStore).
    • Feature development and bug fixes in a Scrum team for the main product in Python and JavaScript.
    • Creation of a development machine for SharingCloud developers, based on our official installer.

2016 (6 months) - Orange Labs, Products and Services (Chatillon, France)

  • Internship in Research & Development in the cloud computing field.
  • Working on the horizontal architecture of the Supercloud european project.
  • Writing Python tools and working with Infrastructure as Code.
  • 2016 — Major of a Master in Computer Science (Master Recherche, Informatique Nomade, Intelligence et Sécurité, spécialité Sûreté et Sécurité du Logiciel) — Université d'Orléans, France
Personal Projects
  • GitHub Notifier: A tool to view manage your GitHub notifications, made in Svelte.
  • A few games for the Ludum Dare game jam since 2019 (two times a year since then).
  • ...and more things on my personal site.
Made with 💜 thanks to SvelteKit
Denis Bourge GitHub LinkedIn